Free Coffee & Donuts for Veterans
The Coffee & Donuts event was held on Saturday, November 18th, 2017 at The Coffeehouse inside the VF Factory Outlet Mall. We would like to thank all of the Veteran’s and Active military for their service to this country. Retired Marine Mike Gunter spoke a powerful message about his experience as a marine and what it means to him for serving this country. We would like to thank all of those in the community who came together to support our troops.
A special thank you to:
Amanda Pass at The Coffeehouse for being such a great host and assistance in planning the event
Mike Gunter for speaking at the event
Mike Thomas and his band for the wonderful music
Sandy’s Too for the table decorations
West Frankfort City for allowing us to have the event at the mall
Attorney Lance Brown at Sam C. Mitchell & Associates for funding the event